Imagine waking up on a remote tropical island, untouched and lesser-known, where nature’s splendour unfolds in unique harmony. This is Lang Tengah, The Eagle in the Middle, a jewel off the northeast coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
Basking between her famed sisters, the Perhentians and Redang, Lang Tengah whispers tales of passers-by who found shelter during fierce monsoons. A silent sentinel. The water well bears testament to these tales, standing long before we stepped foot on the site.
The island is just under two miles in length; western shores boast white sands and shallow waters, while the eastern coast displays rugged granite vistas.
Our project site, known by its original name of Pasir Tok Enjut – Sands of The Bobbing Old Man – is also known as Turtle Bay in its modern parlance. It is situated at the island’s southernmost tip. Behind it, within the coastal vegetation, lies our research station. Come, let’s discover the secrets of Turtle Bay together.