In the ethereal expanse of Pantai Chakar Hutan, where the whispers of the ocean meet the gentle rustle of casuarina trees, lies a sanctuary revered by both land and sea. Here, amidst the tranquil embrace of nature, a timeless ritual unfolds: the annual nesting of the majestic green sea turtles. With an unwavering commitment to conservation, in 2022, PULIHARA collaborated with the Terengganu Department of Fisheries to safeguard the eggs and monitor the nesting female population at Chakar Hutan.
Chakar Hutan holds a special place in the hearts of the local community as a cherished spot for recreational activities. Going beyond the scope of sea turtle conservation, the project advocated for ‘EduTourism’, seeking to enhance awareness through community involvement in conservation and tourism initiatives. In tandem, it nurtures the community’s livelihoods by creating job opportunities and bolstering income streams.