As a marine conservation organization, we aim to uphold our values in our continued efforts in and projects
Our Objectives
Perpetuate ongoing conservation initiatives and long-term monitoring programmes. We aim to enhance understanding and safeguard the nesting and in-water sea turtle populations.
Rehabilitate coral reefs which are essential habitats for sea turtles.
Cultivate and increase awareness among local communities, schools, business operators and interested parties. We accomplish this through educational outreach programmes and active involvement in our research and conservation activities.
Our Vision
A future where sea turtles and their habitats are protected, rehabilitated and no longer threatened with extinction.
Our Goal
Turtles and their habitats are protected and managed sustainably.
Our Mission
Carry out a holistic and multi-prong approach in the conservation of sea turtles and their habitats.
Our Core Values
Aims to provide an inclusive work environment that is conducive, healthy and as best and as is reasonable and practical, safe for all its employees, interns and volunteers.
Actively works on developing the career paths of its employees and offers opportunities for career advancement and professional growth.
Shall ensure that everyone is treated fairly and kindly, and accorded respect, trust and dignity, free from any form of harassment, humiliation and intimidation.
Will ensure that there is no discrimination based on ethnic origin, caste, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.
Shall deal with all grievances received from employees or stakeholders in a fair, timely and equitable manner.
Every employee, intern and volunteer shall carry out all manners of their work and activities to the highest ethical standards and avoid any conflict of interest situations.
Upholds a zero-tolerance approach to:
Any form of bribery, corruption or any form of corrupt activity, such as extortion, collusion, breach of trust, abuse of power, embezzlement, fraud or money laundering.
Any form of mental or physical abuse, discrimination, humiliation or unfair treatment of its employees.
Any form of sexual harassment at its workplace.
The possession of, dealing, or abuse of prescribed drugs among its employees, interns or volunteers.
How you can make a difference
As a non-profit marine conservation project, we are always on the lookout for funds to support the cost of operating our project sites throughout the year. These would include salaries, food, transportation, purchase or rental of tools & equipment, administrative costs and so on.
Your donation helps us to fuel the tide of conservation efforts, ensuring our majestic sea turtles thrive for generations to come.