Diari Koresponden : Keunikan Pulau Lang Tengah Terengganu

Diari Koresponden | Ep 8
Lang Tengah, the centre of paradise

Amid the coastal areas of Terengganu lie a handful of islands – nine, to be specific – that are popular with holidaymakers both local and international.
Siri setem hidupan marin ikonik mahu tingkat kesedaran

PEMINAT dan pengumpul setem kini boleh mendapatkan siri setem definitif kebangsaan terbaharu Pos Malaysia yang mengabadikan keindahan dan kepelbagaian hidupan marin di negara ini.
Hentikan Penjualan Telur Penyu Dalam Talian

Taktik penjualan telur penyu secara dalam talian patut disekat dan dihentikan demi memastikan kelangsungan haiwan itu yang semakin pupus.
Sea of Change Foundation supports community reef rescue

Two years ago, to support marine conservation across the international community, the Sea of Change Foundation launched a new kind of fund to provide quick response to coral reef damage from anchor drops, vessel groundings, oil spills, and other localised, anthropogenic and acute impacts to coral reefs.
Pulau Lang Tengah: A peaceful island getaway

Relax, read, walk, snorkel, play with the kids, canoe, swim, build sandcastles, visit the turtles – there’s clearly so much to do when holidaying here.
Ilhas da Malásia: águas quentes, peixes curiosos, tartarugas dançarinas e selva luxuriante

Com temperaturas a rondar os 30 graus durante o ano inteiro e um índice de humidade elevado, este país do sudeste asiático contém cerca de 20% das espécies animais do planeta. Aqui encontramos, por exemplo, 250 espécies de répteis. Com 878 ilhas, são muitas as praias idílicas de cores vibrantes e águas quentes para descobrir, ideais para relaxar e fazer snorkeling, como Redang e Lang Tengah.
The 10 Best Programs for Volunteering with Sea Turtles

With a firm 96% rating from GoOverseas alums, Lang Tengah Turtle Watch is one of the best options for really adventurous volunteers. Located on an isolated island off of eastern Malaysia, you will be living and be working with the staff at their research camp in the jungle, right next to the appropriately named Turtle Bay.
Lang Tengah Turtle Watch: Mainland Project

One of the major threats to sea turtles survival, in Malaysia especially, is the over-harvesting of eggs. It is still legal in many parts of Malaysia to collect and sell turtle eggs for human consumption. Despite turtle population crashes and local extinction of the Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), this trade is still allowed to continue. There are still relatively healthy populations of Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) left in Malaysia, but continued exploitation is guaranteed to have lasting effects on these turtle populations.
YTL Hotels Strengthens Commitment to its Lang Tengah Turtle Watch at Tanjong Jara Resort Initiative

Luxury hotel operator, YTL Hotels, continues its ongoing conservation efforts by pledging more funds to the Lang Tengah Turtle Watch at Tanjong Jara Resort, following continued support for the initiative from hotel guests.